LO: Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.

Throughout the semester my peer review skills, outlined by learning outcome 4, have developed to become more specific and focused. On our first project, the literacy narrative, my comments were few, nonspecific, and made with concern of offending the writer. Having guidelines for our peer reviews aided me in improving critiquing other work on both the global and local level. On a peer’s social media paper to “emphasize global revision early in the writing process,” (Learning Objective 4) with the comment “C: I understand what you are trying to say, but it would be more clear if you could be more specific in what you mean by connecting – do you mean in person/physical? Maybe connecting this sentence with the following could be effective.” (Luedee, 1). This critique is a comment on a claim that intends to help the writer clarify what they are trying to say. It also contains a suggestion on how to do so, which reflects thoughtful critique. Though overall, I believe I could improve my peer review practice by adding more suggestions to my critiques as I find this personally helpful having others’ suggestions.