The pre-writing activity was helpful for me to process the ideas I had and to organize them. I also created a google doc on which I pasted the essay prompt questions and quotes from my sources that best supported my thesis.


The revision of my first draft was a little difficult because of the break I took a week off, so coming back to the essay I had to review what I was trying to say. The peer review was helpful in my revision as it helped me focus on what I needed to fix and clarify as well as pointing out mistakes I overlooked. My revision I focused mostly on making my claims more solid by further explaining them and adding more evidence. I began with the main claim that social media allowed the freedom to express and develop one’s true identity with the naysayer being that it was detrimental to self worth. Most of the peer comments was about incorporating the self worth piece more in my essay and I was struggling on how and finding supporting quotes. This lead me to change the naysayer to social media also pressuring people to be someone else which better fit and I was able to find supporting evidence. I felt pretty good about the finished product of my essay, although I felt my conclusion was a little weak I was unsure on how to conclude the piece.