Adventure on

Digital Project Literacy Narrative


  1. Mads

    I was a little worried about time when we first went over the digital piece of the literacy narrative project, but when I began I found it fairly easy because I already knew the basics of what I wanted to say from my paper. I probably spent at most two hours on this project from writing down a script, finding visual pieces, and putting it all together. Figuring out how to upload it was probably the most challenging part. I liked how this piece brought visual elements into the project and allowed for more personal expression.

  2. hwall

    I enjoyed your presentation! I like how you incorporated personal pictures of yourself to give the viewer a sense of who they were listening to speak. One suggestion I would have is about some of the pictures. I believe they fit pretty well but there were points in the video where it went completely white and no pictures showed up for a few seconds. Maybe just try to find a fall back picture to go back to when you don’t have one for that specific point of time. Otherwise, I do feel like the pictures kept me more engaged when listening. Good Job!

    • Katie Guerin

      I also agree! It was really great you incorporated personal photos into your project! I also think that maybe you could’ve had some backup pictures to add when you don’t necessarily have one for that specific point. I liked how the pictures flowed through otherwise! Great job, it was a very thoughtful presentation.

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