“They see social media as a place to gather with friends while balancing privacy and safety with humor and image.” (Pg. 47)

“Impressions we make on others are a product of what is given and what is given off.” (Pg. 48)

“Teens…are grappling with battles that adults face, but they are doing so while under constant surveillance and without a firm grasp of who they are. In short, they are navigating on heck of a cultural labyrinth.” (Pg. 53)

I found chapter one of It’s Complicated by Danah Boyd to be very insightful as it refers to a number of perspective on how teens take on online identities. I agreed with the point that how you portray yourself online is becoming increasingly more complicated as we deal with how different audiences view the posts – from our peers to potential employers. I have definitley experienced this myself; I find myself considering what my grandparents and teachers would think when posting photos online.