Although I found many of Twenge’s claims not to be evident in my own life and many of her examples I considered exaggerated or to be the most extreme cases, I do agree with her claim that smartphones are negatively affecting teens’ sleep. Twenge states “In just four years from 2012 to 2015, 22 percent more teens failed to get seven hours of sleep. The increase is suspiciously timed, once again starting around the time when most teens got a smartphone.”; in this quote Twenge provides a statistic to back her claim that teens’ sleep is affected and then ties it’s time frame to that of the smartphone to support the other half of her claim that the smartphone is the cause.  Further than the statistics provided by Twenge, there is science to why smartphones inhibit sleep; the blue light that is emitted from the screen has been proved to delay the release of sleep inducing hormones. Also, I find this claim personally to be true; often times I find myself exhausted laying in bed at night yet still awake because I am caught up on something on my phone: Netflix, social media, or just the internet itself.

I worked on adding in a relevant quote and would revise it’s framework.