Adventure on

Diary of my Phone

Dear Diary,

This morning Madalyn hit snooze on my alarm (that she set mind you) ten times! When she finally decided to get up she quickly checked her email, which contained nothing important, before tossing my into her laundry bin as she rushed around. If she had gotten up the first time I went off she wouldn’t have to rush, just saying!

Then I am tossed into her backpack in with all the pens. Why can’t she just keep me in her comfy sweatpants pocket? The pens are bullies. Doesn’t she notice the scratches on my screen?? I get the occasional escape during class so she can check the time and if she has any messages (like she thinks I forget to go off when she gets a text or what?), but finally when I hear the professor wrap it up her hand simultaneously reaches down for me.

Next is a quick text to the “Fresh 5” chat to see who wants to grab lunch and a quick scan through Instagram as we wait for them to show up. During lunch, thankfully, I get to stay out on the table incase she has something funny to show everyone (it’s not usually actually funny).

not done

1 Comment

  1. jengennaco

    Hi, Madalyn,
    I like your phone’s sense of humor! My favorite detail is the bully pens scratching up the screen. Thanks for sharing a typical day in the life of your phone.

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