I found Alessandro Acquisti’s TED Talk, “Future without Secrets” very eye opening. I would agree that we as a society often put forth information about ourselves without consideration of where it might end up and the possible consequence. This was backed up by Acquisti’s example of the college students who answered the questions about their behavior on a college campus, including “Have you cheated before?”. Their answers could possibly have detrimental effects upon their college careers, yet they still volunteered information without much of thought. I believe that we so easily put forth information about ourselves on the internet because we are unaware of how it could be used in the future and also that we are unaware we are putting forth information; Acquitsi’s TED talk was effective in bringing awareness to just how our information could be used. A couple the future scenarios he brought up particularly put me at unease “ strangers around you will look at you through their Google Glasses or, one day, their contact lenses, and use seven or eight data points about you to infer anything else which may be known about you” and  “So next time you are looking for a certain product, and there is an ad suggesting you to buy it, it will not be just a standard spokesperson. It will be one of your friends, and you will not even know that this is happening.”. It was scary to my how much information company’s can figure out about you just by what you online shop or who communicate with most on social media. Furthermore, how they can use it to manipulate you as shown by the friend replacing the spokesperson; “it already vastly underestimates the amount of information that organizations can gather about you, and how they can use it to influence you in a way that you will not even detect.” Despite all the statistics and possible scenarios, Acquitsi ended his speech in an optimistic light that assured the listeners that the scenarios put forward could be, at least somewhat, prevented.