Going into the Big Data project not knowing much about it besides the two TED talks, Alessandro Acquisti’s “Future without Secrets” and Glenn Greenwald’s “Why Privacy Matters”, I believed that Big Data was a bad, privacy invading thing. After looking through the “Big Data Resource” page I saw that it wasn’t bad or good, but I very complex topic. While I still intend on leaning towards Big Data being a negative thing, I found some good naysayers with good points. One such source was Kenneth Cukier’s TED Talk, “Big Data is Better Data”, which opened up all the positive thing’s big data does and can do. Cukier’s speech was mainly positive, but it also brought up points that interested me and made me uneasy, such as machine intelligence challenging human’s jobs. Also, another route I am considering exploring is how some people are more apt to have their privacy invaded by Big Data as brought up in Christopher Soghoian’s TED Talk, “Your Smartphone is a Civil Rights Issue”. It was interesting to find that Apple products have better security in protecting your data, but are more expensive. While Android products are more affordable but have less security and protection of your data, meaning that low income people are hence more vulnerable. The Big Data sources I found really interesting, eye opening, and varied on the sides they took. Since I did not know much about Big Data before this project the sources were an overload of information. I plan to think about what direction I want to take my paper in and to revisit these sources.