Adventure on

110 Big Data Project


  1. Mads

    I took an alternate route than most for the Big Data Project by making an infographic poster by hand and then uploading a digital image. I spent about two hours on this project. First, I made a rough outline where I picked out what were the different areas of focus. Then I returned to my essay to pick out specific pieces of information that would best fit those different focuses. Finally, I put it onto paper and spent time on the title. This project differs from my first project, which was an iMovie, because I believe it is more creative and incorporates more information. If I were to make changes I would add visual images.

  2. mtoman

    Mads, your poster looks really cool, it really caught my eye and kept me engaged with the information that you were trying to get across! I really like that you took a completely different approach for this project than everyone else because it’s something new and it gives a new perspective of what a project can be. I thought it was really interesting that you included examples from Rwanda into your presentation because I personally know nothing about it and it was nice to have someone talk about a place other that the US. You also did a really nice job incorporating your sources into it. The only thing I would have as a negative comment is that the writing is just a little small which makes it tough to read. Overall, really good job!

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