LO #2: Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.

One of the six learning outcomes for English 110 is the ability to “integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, and analysis.” while delves further than previous courses that simply required choosing an effective quote and analyzing. In the previous paper on social media my use of quotes was heavier than my own analyzations or claims. This lead me to pick fewer quotes for my Big Data paper and more analyzing and summaries, which meant the quotes I choose had to be especially effective. Specifically, a paragraph of my naysayer surrounding privacy exemplifies my ability to select, integrate, and explain quotations. Within this paragraph after stating my claim, I introduced the quote by introducing the source and his credentials. Following the introduction was a summary of the basis of the argument which lead to the quote itself. After a sentence to reflect on the quote I connected it to a similar claim by another source; “Similarly, the Future of Privacy Forum, which studies data privacy out of Washington, claimed that big data could possibly lead to “discrimination in employment, benefits, housing, and education.”” (Sanborn, 5). This reflects my integration of sources, as I was able to connect the idea of one source to another. Following a brief analyzation upon the quote above I made the connection more clear by stating “This statement from the Future of Privacy Forum connects to Soghoian’s claim that big data can lead to civil rights issues.” (Sanborn, 5). Also, reflects effective selection of quotes as I was able to use a quote from each source that could connect to the other.